Monday 26 September 2016

Wazza's European Adventures

Paradise Wildlife Park - part 2

Hi - and thanks for coming back!

Continuing on my merry adventures at Paradise Wildlife Park in Broxbourne, UK.

Below are some of the little creatures that I was truly amazed with. Their tactility was amazing. Their hair styles were even better. These guys were everywhere in their shelters (you know the ones - the shelters are in a more darker, secluded area of the park, usually close to the reptile sanctuaries) and they didn't make much noise (unlike the monkeys and gibbons!) They are extremely cute and very tactile. 
 I absolutely loved this little guy (below). He and his mate were going from branch to branch, keeping a good eye on me, and Brian. We got some amazing photos, just like this one where he was looking directly into my phone, and then into Brian's camera.

These two guys below, took the cake. They weren't doing a thing at first - just moseying around, looking for things in the dirt. Then they saw us, and jumped up to the nearest tree closest to the window, and started preening each other for our enjoyment. I was quite amazing.

So after a good walking around, to see where we really wanted to go - we wanted to find the big cats! - we strolled past the gibbons... oh boy! What a racket! 

 This big guy was probably the boss of the structure, going from one tree to another, going inside and outside, yelling at the others.

As you can see, this guy (below) was in and out of their sleeping structure. He gave us the ol' up and down, checking us out as much as we checked him out! These guys were amazing. The strength, flexibility and dexterity was too cool!

These below... were the noise makers. You could hear them all the way from the other end of the zoo! They swung back and forth, and did some amazing somersaults and flips just for fun. And they knew they were being watched, so they kept up the noise...

If one stopped the noises, the next one would start!


Freaking cool! I almost couldn't get their sounds out of my head for the rest of the day.

We decided that we had enough of the primates, and we went looking for the big cats. They are probably my favourite animals, and I heard there were some Bengal Tigers, Lions and Panthers in here, so we went for a search. We didn't have to walk far, as immediately after the gibbons were these majestic creatures.

 These are Siberian Snow Leopards... And they are so amazing. They were really hard to find, because their shelter was made for them, and it really does represent and look like Siberia in the cage. The only parts that aren't are these "sleeping platforms" on which they just sit there and snore away. They have agility too, walking around on nearly nothing to get to these platforms.

Look at this guy! He looked huggable! But I dare not! lol

I just loved the way they were so casual. Let's face it - they were bored! But they came right up to my face on the second floor balcony, and then just dropped on the platform with a "thunk!!" and stayed there. I didn't manage to get any more photos of them, but they were beautiful creatures.

Next were the other big cats...

This leopard was just bored shitless! He was not moving, and sleeping in the glorious sunlight. We tried to wake him (I think everybody did!) but to no avail. He was having some serious zzzz's!

 Sleeping away...

 Now this is what I was waiting for. I was here to see these guys. The Tigers. I'm a Tiger in Chinese Astrology, and I like that I'm a Tiger! :)

This one (left) was on the ground, pacing around. He was just exercising apparently (this is what the zoo keeper was saying)

He went up on the walkways, and then plonked himself down, to watch US! I just loved the attitude these guys had. Chilled!

When I managed to get a good shot, it was from this angle - these two were bored. I mean, what else is there to do when you are a tiger in the zoo? Sit back, relax, get fed, sleep and watch all the humans go by!

This guy (above) was pacing madly, after this shot. There is a protected area where you can take photos without the wire, and he would come right up to you, stare you in the eyes and walk off... I got a few of them... 

This one was just so regal, so majestic. I'm going to put him on a t-shirt!

 This photo (below) - it was roughly 30 cms away from my camera phone. Almost looked directly into his eyes.

Okay - I've gotta do some work!

Part 3 coming soon!


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