Sunday 25 September 2016

Wazza's European Adventures

20th of June - Paradise Wildlife Park. Part 1

Well, getting up early is not what I had in mind, but cousin Brian had an idea that he mentioned last night... He said there's a wildlife park not far from here, that we could go and have a look at - a zoo if you would.

It's called Paradise Wildlife Park, and there are quite a few people here. It is an odd place to have a zoo, but who am I to talk. I'm in England. Everything to me is a slight bit odd!

So from Harlow we had a great little ride, down one of the fantastic bolting roads between townships, and landed up at the Paradise Wildlife Park.

 I really didn't expect much, but when you have a man on "lollipop duty" (Aussies would understand - it's the childrens' crossing bloke), and that was BETWEEN two roads in the zoo, it caught my interest. The car park was astonishingly full, considering that it wasn't school holidays just yet, and this was Brian's idea, as he hates going to places where there's a lot of kids, and I kinda don't blame him for that.
Into the car park, down to the entry kiosk, pay the fee, and in we went. Brian had his trusty camera on him (as he does) and he was looking forward to getting in some beaut photos. In we went. Talking to one of the staff there, and they asked me where I was from (couldn't they tell?) "Straya!" was my answer, and she nodded, giving me a sly wink when Brian wasn't looking. Jeez... should have said "Dover!"

So first was the lemurs, and they to me are adorable. They have those lovely make-up looking eyes (you know ladies, when you've had a brutal night out and come home and look in the mirror?). A couple of the little guys had a good ol' gander at us. We got the camera's out (mine was my phone - and it wasn't too bad - as you can see!)

This little guy came up to me, right up to me. And gave me a good looking over. He was hanging with his brother or sister or mother or father - I don't know - but he was certainly interested in the cameras. He did a few poses. But he seemed very friendly, and extremely photogenic as I found out.

Look at him. Stared straight into my camera lens for a few shots.  But he is cute. His mates were deciding whether to come to the window or not, as they were on a stump, and arguing with body language 

"no, I want there"
"no i'm here!"
"but it looks better"
"but I'M here"
"give it here" - they swapped positions - "no, I want to be where I was previously"#
"It was better!"
"I told you that! NO! Sorry no... one time deal..."

This went on for a time, so I got some photos of the others while they were arguing...

This photo below, is after the argument. They just sat there with their bodies back to back, for a while. They must have been husband and wife...

By the end of Brian's photos, I was at the next display. Just another version of these guys, but really really sloopy! I like these animals. They have a "look, I'm doing what I'm doing because that's what I do!" type of feel to them! They were jumping and swinging on the ropes and branches like true showmen.

This guy on the right was the star. He was making noises to the others, and then telling them how to get better photos done. He must have been a model in a previous life! He was strutting around, putting on the best show. Preening, looking over his shoulder, then attempting to do the fireman's whatever it's called on the rope. He was a natural star. It was quite funny when he was pointing to the others... 

"Hey! That's not the way! It's this way!" and after a while, he seemed just to preen himself and then drop off to sleep. Must have been either bored, tired of telling the others what to do, or it was nap time!

The others (below) well, once he was asleep, they just sat there. For quite a while, not knowing what to do... They were looking at each other for some sort of direction, it was hilarious.
Seriously, these guys started showing off when the big one fell asleep. As you can see from this photo, there are two of them on a big tree log, while another one was just below. They were looking off into space.. bored. Poor things... 

 Well, how about that. Emu's... And their names were Sheila and Bruce... Far out, come on. How many Aussie's do you know with those names? I don't know one! But maybe that's a good thing, as I would be really uncomfortable after this calling a mate after an emu...

I tried to offer them a Foster's...

They were real emu's. From Oz... they spat at that.

I would have to. How CAN you English drink Foster's? I've tried to warn them all by calling it Kangapiss Brewery. But to no avail.
And what do you know? I found another old emu! Here he is with a camera. This one's name is Brian. And he surgically had a camera put onto him...

Brian has been at the zoo several times. And apparently he's managed to escape a few times too...

#savebrian #youhavetowatchtheoldones

It really isn't a very big zoo/wildlife park, but it doesn't need to be. It has all the animals you really want. And they are treated really well. They seem like happy animals. Especially the monkeys, and the primates. Man do they make a bloody noise. I could hear them for the car park as we were leaving. 

 I love these guys. In my brain, I call them the heavy metal monkeys. They just have that look. And they LOVE posing for the camera, as you can see. They have that lovely mane of hair, and the black face. Almost look like little warrior dolls. but the can jump like hell! From the wood, to the fence, to the tree, to the wood, to the tree, to the bucket, to the tree...

I swear one of these guys wanted to have a conversation with me. They came right up... mouth moving without a sound coming out... As a matter of fact, I've got a few friends that have the same affect when they talk to me.

Tomorrow I'll continue with Part 2, where I have some great shots of the big cats and the other monkeys.

Till then!



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