Friday 14 October 2016

Wazza's European Adventure!!

Hi, and welcome back!

After being here for a couple of weeks, I still haven't really gotten used to the fact that there are so many roundabouts here. There are hardly any traffic lights anywhere, and if there is, it's because it's to sort out the traffic for a bloody big roundabout!

We live not far from what my cousin's call "The Hamburger" - which is - a roundabout, that has a road (in this case a motorway) that goes right through the centre of it, making it look like a burger. There, is where I saw my first traffic lights besides London. It's weird, strange, but there aren't really any traffic jams around here. I'm actually waiting for a car accident!

What else I can't get over, is that most of the roads are only single carriageway. I mean - the population of Harlow isn't really that big, but Essex is a very big county. And there are a lot of people here. The terraced housing is what I can't get over. People living in a dog box. It's crazy - why don't you all just come to Australia? There's heaps of room here - but please don't make your bloody terraced housing here!

There aren't that many petrol stations either. In Australia (talking about Western Australia - the best bit!) there are station EVERYWHERE, and that's because we really have to drive everywhere. Our metropolitan district is 100kms in all directions (except West of course, where you get the water and the islands of Penguin and Rottnest). I mean, the entirety of Greater London could probably fit in Fremantle lol!

I was helping my cousin help his grandson with his car. We had to pick him up (Oliver) from the car repair place, which does certain checkups that the English motor system has people do with their cars every year or so. We picked him up and then dropped him off. He was going to France to see the European Championships, and he was going to stay in the fan zone for the next couple of nights during the games. 

I'm not that far off my own stay in France. I've booked my trip via the Channel Link, which I'm quite interested in seeing, and experiencing the whole "English Channel Tunnel" thing.

We decided the next day to go see family, which I have already documented. Harlow to Crawley is one hell of a drive. Unless you want to go through the centre of London, you take the Orbital (which is called the M25 Circular Route), go round the outside of Greater London, and continue on a straight route after you get off. 

I've seen some places, but England, I'd have to say is quite pretty. There are acres and acres of farms between towns, villages and hamlets. Turns out we were not far from Gatwick Airport in the end. A day there, turned out wonderfully, as the sun stayed out for most of the day, and it was good to see familiar faces again, even though they had all aged 30+ years! I found out that one of my cousin's husbands actually lived not far from where I live in W.A. Mandurah as a matter of fact. True!

After a weekend of sitting in front of the TV and watching football and English TV, the cousin took me to Audley Ends. 

I'll be telling you about Audley Ends in my next post!

Till then!

Travel and be happy!


Wednesday 12 October 2016

Wazza's European Adventure!

Hi, and thanks for coming back! Especially after a real no - show on my adventures yesterday. I'm so selfish! lol

Okay - today I went to this wicked pub, that my cousin took me to, which was called The Fish & Eels. It is right next to a canal (yes there are canals in England), and the view was lovely, as you saw boats and house boats cruise past a waterfall from the canal itself. A higher estuary of course.

It was a really nice quaint English pub. English fare, English beers, and English hospitality

Most English Pubs have a lot of choice, but this one was exceptional, as it had these crackers! They also had their own beer, which most pubs do! If you were to drink all the different types, it'd take you a couple of years - at least.

This was my first drink (and not my last by far) of the day, and I was pretty impressed with it, but IT WAS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE!!! 

But still... it wasn't bad! 

We order, and I had the tempered chicken. Wow - what a plate! It was the size of the entire plate, with salad and chips. Holy moley. I only, however, lasted about 5 mins. And I was trying to be slow with my eating! I had another beer with my meal, which I think was a...

This was a better ale because it was an ALE and not a BITTER, therefore it was COLD and it went well with the tempered chicken. The herbs and spices went well with this lovely drop.

After a lovely custard dessert, we went outside so I could have a smoke and take a few photos (which I really don't know where they are! I was supposed to put them up here! I may still if I can find them!) After a good burp, and another pint - another Doom Bar would you believe!) we got in the car and drove home.

Got home, put on the laptop and did boring stuff again! HA! Such a great day!

Tomorrow, I don't know what I'm doing, but I will put up a post if I do something! I need a rest! :)


Wazza's European Adventure!

Well... I have had a bit of a break. I've been concentrating on the other interests that I have. Including a new t-shirt label, that's in the works, but I've done a LOT of market research, and have had a lot of ideas put down, and even printed. But you have to keep up with the times, y'know?

So today I just sat here and made some designs! Lucky you! You get to see some of my designs before they get published! 

My company is called Fresh Stellar Industries, and I've been doing it since March this year. 

Here, have a look, and please put some comments down! I'll number each one, and let me know what you like!

1) Pool Girl

2) Class is Cool

3) Angels are Everywhere

4) for those in the UK

5) And another for those in the UK!

6) I'm into comics, and so are some of my friends. So I used my friend Toni-Ann to send me some photos, and this is what I turned here into: Kitty Lightning

7) The Adventures of Kitty Lightning: The Nemesis of Madam Lash (Also a friend of mine - Jade Skvor!)

So as you can see I've been a bit busy. I'll still be posting up tomorrow.
